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Energy Efficiency

Save Energy

Using REHAU windows can not only improve the overall look of a property but also helps to save energy. Heat loss through buildings can be reduced by fitting new, more energy efficient windows.

With the rising cost of fuel, not to mention reducing your carbon footprint, the issue of energy efficiency is an important factor to consider when improving property. REHAU windows can have very good thermal insulation properties which can significantly reduce heating bills. By retaining heat for longer within the property, heating times can be cut and this, in turn, will result in reduced carbon emissions from burning less fuel.

Energy efficiency is not only a personal choice but also forms an integral part of the Building Regulations. Commitments by the government to drastically reduce carbon emissions over the next 5 to 10 years has resulted in a requirement for many more energy efficient products within the construction industry. Windows and Doors in particular, have to meet high standards in order to comply and these are set to increase further in the coming years. REHAU windows have the ability to meet the criteria for a Zero Carbon home (Passivhaus) which is the highest achievable standards in the construction industry at this time.

Building Regulations

The energy efficiency of a building is an integral part of Building Regulations and PART L – the Conservation of Fuel and Power concerns itself with reducing the CO2 emissions. Windows and doors need to meet certain criteria in order to comply with this.

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Changes in the regulations in October 2010 have meant that windows and doors need to be more energy efficient than ever before. There are two methods for proving compliance with building regulations – U Value performance or Window Energy Ratings (WERs).Below shows the current minimum standards for compliance with Part L:

U Value : 1.6 W/m2K
Window Energy Rating: C
Centre Pane U Value: 1.2 W/m2K*

U Value: 1.8 W/m2K

*The centre pane U value route is only acceptable for circumstances where other factors of the window need to be adhered to as a priority, for example the replacement of windows in listed buildings.

Window Energy Ratings

Window Energy Ratings or WERs show the windows’ thermal performance by means of an alphabetical grade from A to G with A being the best and C being a minimum requirement in order to satisfy building regulations, although not a compulsory one.

When purchasing an energy rated window, the window should be provided with a label stating the rating (see picture), to confirm that it has been manufactured to meet all the criteria required by a WER scheme.

The WER rating for a window is derived by a combination of the amount of heat lost - the U value, its’ air tightness around the seals and its ability to gain heat energy from the sun.
The calculation gives the window an energy index score which is then translated into an alphabetical rating.

REHAU window systems can easily achieve A ratings when used in combination with the appropriate glazing unit.

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One of the main benefits of replacing old windows is to improve the thermal performance. The choice of which window is best in this area can be confusing as the technical information regarding the performance of the window is not always fully explained.

U values measure the amount of heat energy that is lost through the window. The lower the value, the less heat is transferred, making it a more energy efficient window. The U value for the whole window should be provided which means the frames and glazing units need to be calculated together to give an overall value.

REHAU windows can accommodate a large array of glazing units which include the most efficient triple glazed insulated units which can give complete control over the amount of insulation you require from your windows.

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